Posts Tagged ‘life experiences’


Every day we have what I will call “human moments”.  It’s those times you see and interact with people you don’t even know and have a moment or more of conversation in which you share a random story, laugh, and move on with your life, never seeing that person again. It’s standing in line at the grocery store and the person behind you asks a question regarding where you found the special they had been looking for and you provide them an answer. The person smiles and a brief conversation begins and ends when your groceries are packed and you’re ready to go. It’s the people you watch holding hands as you walk to your car at lunch and each of you acknowledges how nice it is to have someone to love by giving an approval smile with no words exchanged.

Human moments can happen at any time, for any reason, and are random life experiences that you may never remember the following day unless something powerful happened to you or the other person in the exchange. I believe God gives us those in order that we can connect with others if only for a brief space of time. I heard of an extraordinary example of this the other day on the news.  It was a story in which a car had flipped off the road and down the side of a hill. The car caught on fire and the lady inside was trapped along with her mentally ill nephew. Motorists that were behind and across the road in other lanes that saw the accident didn’t pass by but got out of their cars, ran down the hill, risking their own lives to save a woman they didn’t even know. All of this was captured in photography by a photographer newsman that got there in time to see the miracle unfold. One of the helping people stopped a cement truck that had plenty of water and was able to put the fire out. Another lady happened to be a military person and helped along with firefighters pull the lady out of the car. When all was completed, the human moments all of these people had saved two lives!

Every day, when you have a human moment, take time to reflect on it a little longer. Think of what impact you may have made on the person you just spoke to or saw for only a moment or think of what impact that person had on you. Pray a blessing be brought to that person as you never know why your paths may have crossed in just that moment.

Remember:  Some people have met for what they may have thought was a moment, but turned out to be a life time together.