Posts Tagged ‘new opportunity’

Every moment you breathe is a new “present”, a new opportunity to do something better or worse than the moment before. Life doesn’t allow you to go back and take a moment from yesterday and relive it in the moment you’re in now, so, why do you let your mind stay in the past? What makes you beat yourself up continuously over things that you did or happened to you that were not to your benefit or to others? Memory is for the purpose of reflecting but if the past constantly makes you depressed or immobilized then something is wrong with your thinking!

What’s past is past! You can’t go back and physically change it. You can work to correct, learn, and move forward knowing that the next moments you live can bring new opportunities to get better, make things right, or just accept your mistakes and move on.

What good does it do to keep grudging over and over again things that continue to hurt your progression forward? Life is too short to stay in the past. Learn from the experiences that have brought you to this point. We are all forced to breath one breath at a time, and can’t bring past breathes back or forward to tomorrow. Take some time a love life where you are! Stop procrastinating and thinking you have more time to do, to be, to go, to live another moment as no specific amount of time is promised to any person. That is a sad mistake that we tell ourselves, words such as: ”I’ll see you tomorrow or I’ll take care of that tomorrow.”

Stop living in the past because it can NOT be changed. See each moment as a new opportunity for living a fuller, richer, and more beautiful life experience!

What’s past IS past!